Ep 078: Impartial Thoughts
We cover some of the ways we use partial, without getting too literal.
Ep 077: Thread Some
We spend some time going through how these macros help keep our code nil-safe.
Ep 076: Multiple Views on Juxt
We take a turn with juxt, looking at all the ways it can help line up data.
Ep 075: Merge With Fun
We focus in on merge-with, a powerful function for aggregating data.
Ep 074: Deploy, they said. It'll be fun, they said.
We survey the myriad ways we've used to launch our code into production, and laugh about the various complexities we've found.
Ep 073: Silent Sockets
We worry about the health of our websockets and, after looking for help from the standards bodies, roll up our sleeves and handle it ourselves.
Ep 072: Sea of Sockets
We switch to using a component to manage our websockets, enabling ease of development and future growth.
Ep 071: Socket Synergy
We wander into the weeds, jumping through the myriad hoops required to deliver a simple notification.
Ep 070: Socket Circus
We talk about spontaneously sending data from the server to the client to address our users' insecurities.
Ep 069: Stuck in the Web
We examine our history writing web handlers and talk about all the ways we've broken them.
Ep 068: Static on the Line
We tease apart the layers involved in serving static assets and are surprised by how many we find.
Ep 067: Handling Handler's Handles
We manage to find a way to get our handlers the resources they need to get real work done.
Ep 066: Compose the Codec
We reinvent the wheel, and along the way discover a few reasons why you might want to do so as well.
Ep 065: Stuck in the Middle
We find that the middle is a very good place to start when almost everything is composed functions.
Ep 064: Put Ring on It
We focus on the bedrock abstraction for all Clojure web applications and marvel at its simplicity.
Ep 063: Web of Complexity
We launch a new series and immediately get tangled in the many layers that make up the web.
Ep 062: 2019 in Review
We look back at the past year and highlight our favorite episodes.
Ep 061: Transcendental Transformations
We unpack transducers and find a familiar pattern that enables freedom from collections.
Ep 060: Reduce Done Quick
We look at clojure.core.reducers and how it extracts performance by composing reducing functions.
Ep 059: Lining It Up
We examine the sequence abstraction and then ponder how it helps and hinders our data transformation.